Rezaid Film Management

Your All-in-One Media Production Management Software for Optimal Film Workflow!

The market-leading software for remote, creative collaboration in animation and video production, made easy.

The preferred media production management tool for video professionals

One Solution for All

Customise RFM to your precise needs

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions and unlock the full potential of your media production process with RFM's uniquely customizable service. Is there a feature you need that we haven't already included? Or maybe you'd like your own branding &/or own hosting. Whether you need specialized features for project management, collaboration tools for remote teams, or customized reporting capabilities, RFM can be adapted to meet your exact needs. And what's more, it doesn't matter which plan you are on, we offer this service to all our customers!

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Rezaid Film Management

Creative Space for Makers

One tool for remote collaboration on creative projects for media production
companies. The only tool you need, excludes irrelevant features!


Custom Fields
& Tabs

Custom fields allow you to define specific data points or attributes tailored to your unique needs. This means you can capture and organize project-related information that is specific to your workflow or industry.

Custom tabs enable you to create dedicated sections within the RFM interface, offering a structured way to display and interact with the data you've customized using custom fields.

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Media Staging

Intuitive suite for streamline workflow

Empowering production teams from pitching the first idea to exporting the final product all in an efficient, time-saving and smooth-running manner.

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Pitch Idea

Use RFM to pitch your mature ideas

Strengthen your big ideas. Deliver a smooth and transparent presentation in real-time to your potential investors.

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Shortlist & Storyboard

Visualize and compare your shots

With a simple and intuitive UX, create simple shortlists of each shot to capture or to finalize talents easily. Save time with our intuitive user-friendly platform. Need manual comparisons of different shots? We've got you covered!

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Remote Collaboration

Collaborate with your clients and team like a pro

Minimize the number of revisions by getting essential feedback with advanced visual commenting and timestamping and get approval faster!

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What our clients say

John Carter - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“Has an amazing UI/UX”

RFM has transformed the way our team manages film projects. Its collaborative tools allow for real-time updates, making our workflow much more efficient. We're especially impressed with its user-friendly interface.

Alex Thompson
Chief Technology Officer at Creative Visions Media
Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

"RFM is a lifesaver"

RFM's project management features are comprehensive, ensuring a smooth production process. The software excellently handles media organization, which is crucial for our projects.

Sarah Kim
Project Manager at Pixel Producers Inc
Andy Smith - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

"Valuable Tool"

RFM's all-encompassing approach to film production management is impressive. It covers everything from planning to post-production. There's a learning curve, but it becomes an invaluable tool once mastered.

Andy Smith
Director of Operations at Cinematic Solutions LLC

Client Word’s

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam rutrum, tellus sed imperdiet sodales, dui diam accumsan lorem, a accumsan ex leo nec tellus. Phasellus varius dui neque, efficitur rutrum tellus luctus a. Pellentesque tincidunt convallis justo a tincidunt. Cras finibus tempor tellus sit amet congue. Vivamus scelerisque massa in massa sodales, sit amet tincidunt dolor malesuada. Fusce in tempus risus.”

Dustin Miller

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